
Prices and specifications of machines

Types of product lines and prices

formulations and certificates

Machinery and formulation warranty

Installation of machines

Mehr Mad Steel Club

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maad steel asia
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Detergent production line machines and price list

Types of fillers and caps

Types of mixers and reactors

Other production line machines

Supply of laboratory equipment

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Detergent production line types and price list

193 million

Semi-automatic 2-nozzle production line (concentrated non-chlorine)

235 million
Automatic 2 intelligent nozzle production line (concentrated and dilute non-chlorine)

640 million
6 intelligent nozzle automatic production line (concentrated and dilute non-chlorine)

1 billion and 430 million
Full automatic production line of 10 smart nozzles (concentrated and dilute non-chlorine)

4-nozzle semi-automatic production line (dilute chlorine)

Semi-automatic production line of 4 smart nozzles (concentrated and dilute chlorine)

Semi-automatic 6-nozzle production line (concentrated and dilute chlorine)

Full automatic production line of 10 smart nozzles (concentrated and dilute chlorine)


Price list of formulas and certificates

Inquiry of the formulation certificate code

Formula for head and body cleansers

Dishwashers and surfaces

Carwash detergents

Industrial detergents


Mad Steel Asia Company, under the management of Engineer Mohammad Moeini, national inventor and entrepreneur, started its activities in the fields of mechanical and chemical engineering in 2005 and is proud to have registered a patent in the field of cathodic protection systems on 09/22/2006 with registration number 37884 and audio water cooler on 09/21/2007 with registration number 44756 and several other inventions and has succeeded in obtaining a scientific certificate from Science and Technology Park with registration number 712/91 and file number 49087017

Management: Engineer Mohammad Moeini

Technical team members: Engineer Moeini, Dr. Assaran, Engineer Ahmadi, Engineer Ebrahimi

Mashhad . Azadi Boulevard (Great Prophet). Between the Great Prophet 32 and 34 No. 10 Mad Steel Company

Working hours from Saturday to Thursday
From 8 to 16 o'clock